Ayrshire Clinic is a residential abstinence based alcohol treatment service base in Brownhill House, an 18th century “B” listed Historic Scotland building.
Set in the tranquil countryside of North Ayrshire, our aim is to provide a private, safe and positive environment where the client will have the opportunity to explore and identify any personal changes they will require, in themselves and their surroundings to enable them to maintain an alcohol-free lifestyle.
Request the Ayrshire clinic brochurep>The aim of our service is to provide clients with a private, confidential and safe alcohol free environment where client’s will have the opportunity to explore and identify what personal changes they require to make in themselves and their environment to enable them maintain an alcohol free lifestyle.
Our aim is met by the following objectives:
Our team:
We provide a vastly experienced and qualified multidisciplinary addiction team consisting of:
Every client will receive an assessment designed to determine the precise nature of their alcohol problems, including co-existing health conditions or social problems. The process of assessment enables an individual care-plan to be developed to meet the client’s specific needs.
Care Planning
After assessment and admission to our service, you will be fully involved in drawing up your own care-plan, with key work support. Both you and your key worker will agree on the plan. Your care-plan will identify your treatment goals and the interventions and services to be provided, and also who will be responsible for the delivery of differing aspects of your care-plan.
Key work
We are very aware how the therapeutic relationship between client and key worker can impact on treatment. Keywork support is empathetic, supportive and goal- directed. Your key worker will work with you to ensure the delivery and review of your care-plan. This will be carried out through twice-weekly keywork sessions.
As a client moves towards the end of their period of rehab treatment, the focus of care and treatment planning shifts to an ongoing support-plan, which enables clients to plan and prepare effectively for their post-treatment objectives and reintegration back into mainstream life. In preparation for the completion of your alcohol rehab, your key worker will help you to draw up an aftercare plan to assist you to maintain your personal commitment to your recovery, achieve lasting changes in your lifestyle, and enable early detection of a possible relapse.
Programme Overview
We provide an intensive residential rehab program.
This approach includes elements of the main therapeutic techniques such as cognitive behavioural therapy, motivational interviewing and the 12 step model.
Our comprehensive rehab programme includes:
Brownhill House is an 18th century manor house with a distinguished history which offers single occupancy in large double rooms. There are two lounges and a dining room.
Request the Ayrshire clinic brochureCopyright PCUG Addiction 2022
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