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The website has specific information on alcohol treatment and alcoholism in the south west of England.


Addictions information

WHO to hold public hearing on ways of reducing the harmful use of alcohol

Each year, more than two million people die from alcohol-related causes which is why World Health Organization (WHO) was asked by its Member States in May at the World Health Assembly to develop a global strategy to combat the harmful use of alcohol. All parties with an interest in reducing the harmful use of alcohol are now invited to share their views in a public hearing being organized by the World Health Organization (WHO). The one month web-based hearing will run between 3 and 31 October.

"The harmful use of alcohol is a leading risk factor for premature death and disability in the world. Every year at least 2.3 million people die from alcohol-related causes.", says Dr Ala Alwan, Assistant Director-General of WHO's Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health Cluster. "This web-based public hearing is broad and inclusive and will provide an opportunity for everyone, including the public, to present their views on effective strategies to reduce the burden resulting from the harmful use of alcohol".

Contributions will be posted on a WHO website dedicated to the hearing. The submissions can form a part of the documentation to be considered and discussed at the round table meetings with economic operators from the alcohol industry (planned for 6 November 2020), and NGOs and health professionals (planned for 24-25 November 2020), as well as at regional technical consultations with Member States (planned to take place between January and April 2009).

"We encourage our Member States and other governmental institutions, as well as civil society groups, academic and research institutions, private companies, individuals and other interested parties to participate.", says Dr Benedetto Saraceno, Director of WHO's Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse. "We are particularly interested in getting views on integrated approaches that can protect at risk populations, young people and those affected by harmful drinking by others".

Contributions can be submitted to the public hearing via the dedicated web site in any of the six official UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) beginning 3 October. Submissions should not exceed five A4 pages or 2000 words. Contributors are encouraged to provide a summary of their views, which should not exceed 500 words.

Article originally published on 30/10/2020 by, the alcohol specific website for PCUG Addiction Treatment. specialises in alcohol help for those in Liverpool and Addictions Advisor handles all types of addiction for those in Liverpool .

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