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Abusing illicit substances has a huge impact on an individuals life

Abusing illicit substances can have a huge impact on an individual's life.  Initially it may seem that the pleasures of a drug outweigh the negative side effects, but often as people become more entrenched in their drug use, this switches the opposite becomes true.  Unfortunately, often by this point an individual is physically dependent on the drug, and although they may be miserable because of it, are unable to stop using without further negative side effects.  Due to the physical dependency and the body's ability to adapt and tolerate drugs, people may begin to need increasing doses of their chosen drug, and this need may lead to them becoming desperate and acting in risky ways to obtain their next 'fix'.

It is for this reason that often those who abuse drugs become involved in crime, including theft and prostitution.  Unfortunately these activities come with many risks; they may be physical or health risks, or they may be risks to an individuals mental or social well-being.  The risk of arrest and criminal record is also high, and could further impact an individual's health and well-being.  Research has recently shown that young individuals who are released from criminal detention centres show high rates of persistent mental health problems, including anxiety and depression (Medical News Today, 2012).  Suffering from issues such as these could later increase the chance of an individual choosing to misuse drugs again in an attempt to block out their problems, thus it can become a viscous circle or drug use and prison. 

All of the risks that come with drug use have the potential to dramatically impact an individual's overall well-being, and it is for this reason that it is vitally important for people to seek or receive help as soon as possible.  Those who are able to engage in a detox or rehab programme have significantly better chances of overcoming their addiction and regain control over their life.



Science Daily.  (2012).  Psychiatric disorders persist after youths leave detention, study finds.  Sourced from:


Published by on 18/10/2020.

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