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New drug aims to reduce withdrawal cravings

One of the most difficult issues to deal with if you suffer from addiction can be the craving that goes with it.  Even if people are able to remove themselves from potentially dangerous environments that will arouse drug related cues, the physical craving that accompanies many drug addictions can be the last straw that lead people to use drugs again. 

Many rehab centers try to help people learn skills that they can use to try and overcome these cravings.  However it can often take a very long time for the cravings to subside completely, and all the while people are experiencing these cravings, they are at much higher risk of relapsing. 

But new research may be able to provide a solution to this issue in the future.  Scientists believe they may be mere steps away from developing a medication that will reduce the cravings associated with drugs such as methamphetamine (Science Daily, 2011). 

If such a drug were to become widely available, it may affect many changes in rehab UK wide, and may mean a less difficult route to long-term recovery. 

It is hoped that the discovery will lead to medication to treat many different addictions including cocaine, methamphetamine and even gambling.  Once an individual is able to overcome the cravings that come with addiction, it is hope that the following rehab process would be more successful in the long-term, and hopefully it ill encourage more people to try rehab services. 

Any developments that are potentially able to help people with addiction are worth investigating, and in this instance there are potential benefits to all parties involved. 

Science Daily.  (2011).  Potential target for anti-craving medications identified.  Sourced from:

Published by on 19/04/2020.

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